I interviewed Ms. Sanna Perkiömäki about the entrepreneurship programs they are currently running at Savonia polytechnic, university of applied sciences, and Sakky adult education institute in Kuopio and the North Savo region. Sanna works in the unit of natural resources and environment in Muuruvesi and I was referred to her by two Savonia/Sakky teachers as an expert in entrepreneurship issues.
There are several different ongoing programs for the youth and adults alike as aspiring entrepreneurs. The first nation-wide program and a learning environment run by the school is called Young Entrepreneurship (Nuori Yrittjäjyys ry.). The web site, which can be accessed from the link above, has a comprehensive amount of data of the program. The idea of the program is to create a practice company for one year in order to learn working life skills, entrepreneurial practices and mindset. It is available for young and adults alike. The students will build a team and write up a business plan. Then they write a Cooperation Contract, launch the company, and open the bank account. There are several competitions where the 1-year student entrepreneurs can participate, such as The Best Business Idea and Inno High School Idea Contest. The the entrepreneur write up a Interim and Annual Reports and finish the project by closing the company down. Finally, he considers whether he would like to continue in business. The scope of this program is 10 credit units.
There are also other optional and obligatory units of entrepreneurship, each 10 credits. Students can write their business plans and consider financing and profitability. The students can take either professional skills demonstration exams or attend an examination event.
Another option is a business incubation course worth 10-20 credits. There is support, guidance, and supervision provided by entrepreneurs as "godparents", or sponsors without financial obligations.
For those seeking for a light version of familiarizing with entrepreneurship, a course of 2 ects is provided. On this course the attendees get to know with what entrepreneurship is all about, and they consider the idea and the essence of internal entrepreneurship. One can also complete up to 40 credits of entrepreneurship studies.
There is yet a 24h entrepreneurship camp worth 1 credit unit. The students spend 1 whole day and night in a team, creating business ideas. Young entrepreneur are selected as tutors. There are a lot of ideas born in the dark hours of the night, which are finally presented to a jury at the end of the camp. Sanna Perkiömäki has acted as a member of the jury for several times, and she says she loves to see the fancy and wild ideas burst and bubble from eager students.
For more information can be found in the time coming at www.sakky.fi as soon as the web site has been re-constructed. Sakky Adult vocational traning institute now has the second trial version of the site being tested. There will also be a link about entrepreneurship. Currently, the site already features a link to Hyvä Diili (Good Deal) apprenticeship service.
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